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 Time of comrades film by Chrif ribak

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Messages : 461
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2008

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MessageSujet: Time of comrades film by Chrif ribak   Time of comrades film by Chrif ribak Icon_minitimeDim 3 Aoû - 3:58

Time of comrades film by Chrif ribak Chriftribakqw9

North of Morocco. Early 90s. His highschool diploma is between his hands, Rahil decides, against her family's will to go on with her studies at a university. She discovers a climbing islamic influence. Few sydicalists' militants try to resist.Said, a brilliant student, up to that time, was on the side of the political movement, decides to conquer her, and puts all his efforts for the fight of.....Rahil who fell under his charm, is she really ready to commit as well?
Time of comrades is a story about the political learning and thoughts of the Moroccan students of the last generation. A story that is largely unkonwn of the wide public.

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Time of comrades film by Chrif ribak
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